Humor and the Abject

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First Look: David Leggett in Art in America

Happy Monday, everyone. The June 2017 print issue of Art in America has a "First Look" piece that I wrote about David Leggett, a truly knockout artist who lives in Chicago. It's a "print-only" article, so you'll have to purchase a physical copy of the magazine to check it out. For those of you in Chicago, make sure to drop by his upcoming solo exhibition of drawings at Shane Campbell Gallery's South Loop location, running from 17 June through 15 July.

If you're unfamiliar with his work, please enjoy documentation of his solo painting exhibition, Their funeral, our dance floor, that the gallery held earlier this spring. Yes, you read that correctly, earlier this spring; by summer, Leggett will have done two distinct solo shows for Shane Campbell in less than half of a year. He's a prolific person. You might also want to reserve a few hours of scrolling for yourself through the massive archive of his Tumblr, Coco River Fudge Street, that he populated with his drawings for several years. 

Okay! Hope you get a read the piece. And I highly suggest following Leggett on Instagram for sneak peeks into his studio: @cocofunhouse