Humor and the Abject

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PODCAST: Sarah Sherman AKA Sarah Squirm

Skyping in from the Windy City this week is comedian and illustrator Sarah Sherman AKA Sarah Squirm. We talked about her outrageous monthly show HELLTRAP NIGHTMARE, why being gross rules, how Chicago is a unique city for comedy, feeling guilty all the time while constantly seeking approval, the improv bro uniform, why noise music is hilarious, the changing landscape of contemporary comedy, the origin story of Screedler, and our mutual unhealthy obsession--and close encounters--with the men of Jackass. If you’re in Chicago, make sure to check out the HELLTRAP NIGHTMARE x Wham City show on January 18th, plus Sarah Squirm headlining the Empty Bottle on February 12th, and a show with upcoming Humor and the Abject podcast guest Jennifer Vanilla on February 20th. New Yorkers: HELLTRAP NIGHTMARE will be in Brooklyn on April 20th (nice). If you don’t already know the outro song, I’m not sure that I can help you.

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