Humor and the Abject

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Support Humor and the Abject on Patreon

Hi, Screedlers. If you’re reading this, I’d wager that you already listen to the Humor and the Abject podcast, or you’ve enjoyed reading some of the writing I’ve posted here. In either case, it’d be lovely if you’d consider throwing just $3/month my way to help support this endeavor. Subscribe to the Humor and the Abject Patreon today. It takes like 30 seconds.

Previously, I had an account with Kickstarter’s own version of sustained crowdfunding, Drip. But last month, it was announced that Drip was going to be changing hands and they couldn’t give creators any specifics in terms of when certain platform features would eventually roll out. Since I make podcasts, I’d been waiting a while for a user app that allowed people to listen to audio on their phone without having to use a browser, or for a subscriber-only RSS feed so that I could use to bounce exclusive audio directly to people’s favorite podcatching apps. I didn’t think that I could wait any longer for those, so I opted to migrate over to Patreon. It already had both of those features, and I know that a lot of listeners already back other podcasts there.

What does $3/month get you? Well, I use the Patreon to release patron-only sound pieces, video, writing, and other content (like the back catalogue of The DSA Podcast with Darcie Wilder and Azikiwe Mohammed). Additionally, every month there is a Custom Sound Collage Lottery, where I randomly draw a winner from the patron pool and then make them a personalized work of sound art (like the ones you hear as intros to the podcast each week). Patrons get as many lottery tickets as months that they’ve been supporting Humor and the Abject. The longer you’re a patron, the better your odds of winning are.

In addition to those perks, you’re also just showing your support. As I’m sure you could guess, running a weekly podcast that includes episode-specific sound collages and editing is quite a bit of work for a one-man operation. There are also equipment, travel, hosting, and other costs associated with this project. Every little bit helps me out, and I think the $3/month level certainly counts as a “little bit.” So, if you like what I’m doing, join the Patreon. The podcast is nearing 100 episodes, and I’ve been happy that it doesn’t feature advertisements, and that I can generally do whatever I want with it. Help me keep this thing sustainable. There are a fuckton of people I still want to interview.

Thanks for reading. Hope to see you in the patron-only feed :-)