PODCAST: Street Fight Radio - LIVE!
Columbus, Ohio’s finest, Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby from Street Fight Radio, joined me this week for the first-ever live Humor and the Abject podcast. We covered many of their favorite topics: shitty bosses, stealing from shitty bosses, the Midwest, doing drugs, anarchism, and why Republicans and Democrats will always suck. But we dug a little deeper as well, unearthing the Street Fight Radio origin story and the roots of their individual senses of humor that led to becoming “anarcho-comedians.” We also found out that--wait for it--they actually kind of like New York! Special thanks to comedians Ana Fabrega and Julio Torres for opening up the show, to Taylor Moore for running sound and bartending, and to Throne Watches for hosting us. This week’s episode is sponsored by the United States Military, the D.A.R.E. program, and your fucking boss.
Scroll past the embedded SoundCloud stream for some more pics from the show.
Comedian Ana Fabrega opening up the show. Photo: Patrick Mohundro.
Comedian Julio Torres delivering the LULZ. Photo: Patrick Mohundro.
Photo: Michael Welsh
Photo: Michael Welsh
Photo: Michael Welsh
Photo: Michael Welsh