PODCAST: Guns in Schools with My Sister, Quinn
One of my younger sisters, Quinn, is a first grade teacher in a Denver public school. With the March for Our Lives events happening in 800+ cities around the country this Saturday to protest our nation’s lack of action when it comes to protecting our schools from gun violence, I spoke with her over Skype to get a little first-person perspective. Quinn has been an educator for eight years, having worked in her current classroom for four. We talked about the active shooter emergency drills she has to lead six year-olds through, the gross way that the concept of guns in schools has been politicized, her reasons for marching on Saturday in Denver, and what it’s like to work in an industry where people, especially children, are regularly murdered en masse. It’s a little more serious than you’re probably used to here on Humor and the Abject, but it’s an important conversation. Thanks for giving Quinn a chance to have her voice heard.